The exhibition opened on December 5, 2024, and will remain on display until the new 22 July Centre move back to the high-rise building in 2026.
In the exhibition, we explore why certain songs became so important immediately after 22 July. Several prominent artists share the choices they make, how it felt to perform at various national memorial concerts, and what it was like to perform songs they had written about the attack.
Visitors can experience some of the national memorial concerts. Explore our catalog of lyrics, find information about, and listen to, the songs that was significant in the period following 22 July. With the exhibition, we aim to create a space for visitors, with or without personal memories of the attack, to discuss and reflect.
At the 22 July Centre, we are interested in visitors’ contribution to the conversation. We ask the question "What is the music after 22 July for you?" in the exhibition. We hope you will contribute. This will help the exhibition evolve and reflect diverse perspectives.
In the year following the terror attack, several memorial concerts were held. We sang together and others sang and played for us. Through music, we could process what had happened, seek comfort, and find strength. In this way, music provided a framework for grief and a sense of direction in the time following the attack. The memorial concerts were a response to the terror attack, a direct answer to the terrorist's words and actions—a way to stand against intolerance and hatred, while also showing the diverse Norway that the terrorist opposed, and actively protecting what he attempted to destroy.
The exhibition Resonance – The music after 22 July explores what music has meant in processing the events after 22 July. When the terror attack struck Norway, many found comfort and strength in music. Through music that could console, unite, and strengthen in the wake of the attack, some songs will for many people forever be associated with 22 July.
The 22 July Centre understands that music can be a negative trigger for some. All music in the exhibition is played through headphones. It cannot be heard in the room. A list is available showing where and which songs are played.